Capsiplex Celebrity Diet Pill

Buy Capsiplex UK

capsiplexA new miracle diet pill that has just appeared on the market is Capsiplex – the manufacturers are making some pretty hype-laden claims concerning its efficacy.

Capsiplex is comprised of chili and capsicum – the makers are using soundbites such as “burn more calories than jogging for half an hour”

The makers are also claiming that it is used in Hollywood and celebrity circles with high profile celebrities such as Britney Spears, Brad Pitt and Jennifer Lopez amongst its users .

Slim At Your Desk With Capsiplex

The Capsiplex adverting campaign being used in the UK employs the clever use of the phrase Slim At Your Desk – it is as though they are suggesting that this product can aid your weight loss without any participation from the dieter.

Buy Capsiplex Direct £29.95

Capsiplex How Does It Work

The two main ingredients included are chili and capsicum – both natural and side effect free.

Capsicum Extract, it is claimed, can act as an appetite suppressor and also raise the metabolic rate, burn excess calories, reduce body mass and reduce body fat.

Chili has been thought to be beneficial for weight loss – the problem until now is the ingesting of a high concentration without causing gastric irritation. A special coating has now been introduced to eradicate this problem.

So, Does Capsiplex Work

Both ingredients used do have potential – but the way this diet pill is being marketed is slightly over the top. Both chili and capsicum are not new discoveries and have been used in many other diet products.

Is Capsiplex Recommended

The marketing is a bit over the top – but the product itself has real potential, definitely one for the shortlist

Where To Buy Capsiplex

You can buy Capsiplex from the official website – Buy Capsiplex Direct

Alternative Diet Pills

best-diet-pillThere are several major brand diet pills available for UK consumers from both the over the counter and prescription only market place.

For more information read about Top UK Diet Pills
