Sida Cordifolia From Chocolate Banana
Chocolate Banana slimming pills at first glance do seem as though they are the latest in a long line of gimmicky slimming pills – the truth of the matter is that there is not a lot of chocolate or banana included in the ingredients.
Chocolate Banana is the brand name of the company involved with production.
Chocolate Banana contains Sida Cordifolia a compound that is growing in popularity especially in the UK.
What Is Sida Cordifolia
Sida Cordifolia is a natural herb containing ephedrine alkaloids. It is used by Ayurveda physicians as an antipyretic in febrile and infectious diseases, and also as an aphrodisiac.
Sida Cordifolia is also useful in the treatment of chronic broncho-pulminary conditions depicted by bronchospasm and coughing.
How Does Sida Cordifolia Work
Sida Cordifolia uses a thermogenesis effect that helps to boost energy levels and suppress appetite. Not being as hungry makes consuming less food so much easier.
Calories that are consumed during the day are turned into heat and energy before they are stored as fat.
Apptite suppressants are great way to lose weight as they have often provide the will power often lacking by many dieters.
Hoodia Gordonii is possibly the best known and definately the most widely sold appetite suppressant. Read more about appetite suppressants
Does Chocolate Banana Sida Cordifolia Work
Currently there is some conflicting data concerning the ultimate efficacy of Sida Cordifolia as an appetite suppressant. As for a thermogenic is have more thats it fair share of glowing testimonials and consumer reviews.
Where To Buy Chocolate Banana Sida Cordifolia
Buy direct here
Alternative Diet Pills
Capsiplex is rapidly becoming the weight loss pill of choice.
Capsiplex contains an ingredient that has a strong association with the NHS but available to buy without prescription.
When Capsiplex was first brought to the market is caused such anticipation that it sold out within 3 days.
Read more about Capsiplex