Zotrim Slimming Tablets Review

Zotrim Slimming Tablets

Natural slimming tablet, Zotrim is in the media spotlight once again with national newspapers the Mail and the Express running feature stories on it.

Both newspapers underlined how the ingredients within Zotrim (Yerba Mate, Guarana and Damiana) can suppress appetite and reduce daily calorie intake by one fifth or 20%.

Read Zotrim Review

Reducing daily calorie intake is possibly the most effective and safest way to reduce your waist-line and more importantly make this weight loss permanent .

The average suggested daily calorie intake for women is about 1800 while men should take on  around 2200 – keeping to these boundaries is possibly the most effective method of maintaining your ideal weight.

Zotrim is clinically proven to control appetite and can greatly reduce the temptation to snack when perhaps you shouldn’t – when you consider that a chocolate bar can contain 200 – 300 calories, eating just two per day can take up nearly a third of your daily allowance.

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Zotrim has been available without the need for a GP prescription for several years and has featured in the media on several occasions in the past

BBC2 television programme Diet Clinic ran an expose on the slimming tablet industry highlighting several well known high street brands and there effectiveness.

Zotrim fared pretty well to say the least – which is more than can be said of some of the others that are widely sold in store at the likes of Boots and Superdrug.

Zotrim is available to buy direct from its official website.

Click here to visit the official Zotrim website and view offers
