Cheat To Lose Diet

Cheat To Lose Diet Review

The Cheat To Lose Diet

The Cheat To Lose Diet is very much an American based diet and American targeted diet plan. The brainchild of self styled weight loss and diet guru Joel Marion.

The basic principle is to follow a strict diet regime for 6 straight days and then cheat on the 7th by eating whatever you want, within reason.

Its creator Joel Marion communicates a message in typical US style and asks participants to put themselves in the Fat Burning Zone. Joel considers his Cheat To Lose Diet a combination of sense and science.

Cheat To Lose Diet Explained

The Cheat To Lose Diet is designed to not cut out calories dramatically for risk of lowering the metabolic rate. More a case of balancing the body’s hormones, metabolism and food cravings – This is the science at work, or is it sensibility?

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To start you first need to sign up via the official Cheat To Lose Website. Joel Marion (or his marketing people) encourage you to sign up to a free diet plan initially – you will then be sent a follow up email with details of how to be a fully paid up member.

The online diet community is key to the success of every diet plan nowadays and for UK dieters it is more realistic to stick to a community closer to home.

Other than that there is not much more to add regarding specifics – the diet is not revolutionary and nothing too scientific is revealed. Example diet plans are not revealed unless a free sign up is completed – where no doubt you will become part of mailing list!

How Much Does The Cheat To Lose Diet Cost

The cost per month is around $20/£10 which is not expensive compared to some other diets that are currently in existence.

The Cheat To Lose Diet – Does It Work

Most diets do “work” it is the application that the majority find difficult – there does not seem to be a strong enough community or enough variation to make this diet last the course – many will get bored.

Alternative Diets

tesco-diet1For UK Dieters the Tesco Diet is better value and less prone to gimmick.

The Tesco Diet is one of the most successful diet plan in the UK with many slimming success stories from real people.

Costing from as little as £1.50 per week.

More about Tesco Diets
