Cameron Diaz And Her Diet
Cameron Diaz is envied by many women – it seems she has the perfect body.
It may be reassuring to know that keeping slim does not come entirely natural to Ms Diaz
Camerson caught the fitness bug out of necessity to have a shapely body when approached to star in the movie Charlie’s Angels.
After the filming was finished Cameron started maintaining a regular exercise program and a planned diet.
For the film she had to go through a vigorous martial art training. Before the film she had never exercised as she associated it with discomfort.
For Charlie’s Angels she had to workout for three months regularly for five days in a week.
This made her body strong, and she realized the value of regular exercise. Now she goes to the gym to work out on an elliptical trainer for 30 minutes.
Another 30 minutes she devotes to reverse lunges, light weights, and pilates. Cameron is very fond of golfing and other sports like hiking and snow boarding.
Cameron breaks down her meals into six parts. She believes in having protein-rich diet.
For breakfast she likes to have chicken or beef, broccoli, egg, garlic rice, and lemon. For lunch she prefers to have chicken or beef and salad. For dinner Cameron eats mushroom, tomato, onion, and egg. In between she takes protein shake with water, nuts, and fruits.
Cameron still admits to eating junk food and take aways but everything is fine in moderation. It is over indulgence that can lead to weight problems.
At times she follows what she calls reverse diet. In this, she eats a heavy breakfast, normal lunch, and a small dinner. Whenever she feels that she needs to drop some extra weight she has low calorie broth soup of vegetables before dinner.